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4 days 3 nights (Amazing Dalat Tour)
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Day 1: Dalat/airport pick up/overnight in Dalat City.

Day 2: Dalat city sightseeing tour/ overnight in Dalat City.

Day 3: Dalat countryside tour/ overnight in Dalat City.

Day 4: Dalat departure.

Day 1: Dalat/airport picking up/overnight in Dalat City. (Dinner)

When you flight to Dalat, tour guide and driver will stay at the airport to pick you up and take you go to Dalat city.

7:00PM Enjoy dinner at a local restaurant.

8:00PM Visit Dalat night Market.

Overnight in Dalat.

Day 2: Dalat city sightseeing tour/ overnight in Dalat City (Lunch)

Around 8.30 am, we will leave for a tour of Dalat and the surrounding areas.  We will stop on Robin-hill’s peak to look over the landscape, then take a cable car through pine forests and vegetable farms to Truc lam pagoda and Tuyen lam lake.

Next destination is back up to the city center where we will visit Bao Dai’s summer palace and crazy house, a brightly painted concrete house which winds itself around trees, mimicking their shapes. It functions as a guest house.

After visiting crazy house we keep going to visitLinh Phuoc pagoda and the old railway station which is well known in Indochina by it's beautiful architecture. Guide and driver take you back to Dalat flower gardens and Dalat university.The university campus sits on a hilly area of 40 hectares with variety of styled building hidden throughout pine trees.

Overnight in Dalat

Day 3: Da lat countryside tour/ overnight in Dalat City (Lunch)

This day trip takes you to the lush countryside, we will pass the Van Thanh traditional flower village. Where there is growing variety of flowers to export nation-wide and internationally to places such as Korea, Thailand, and Singapore.

You will have the opportunity go into greenhouse (plastic house) and learn about methods to grow flowers and enjoy the many varieties of colours here.

Leaving our first destination we head down Namban district by following the Tanung pass and crossing vast pine forests and, of course, you will have nice picture opportunities when we stop for the nice landscapes.

The second destination will be a coffee plantation.  Your guide will give information about how to grow and process the coffee trees and coffee beans.You then will visit a Weasel coffee farm (enjoy learning how making the weasel coffee for drinking.

Have you ever tried Vietnamese rice-wine? This is an opportunity for you know how Vietnamese cook and drink this special beverage. Along this way, you will also visit t a small minority village.

Our last destination is Elephant waterfalls, where we will spend most of the day. At 40 meters high, it is indeed a majestic waterfall! We will walk slowly down from the top to bottom, where you can take some beautiful pictures. Beside the waterfall is Linh An pagoda, the biggest pagoda in Nam Ban district. You will be surprised when faced with a huge Happy Buddha in front of you!

After having lunch, we will head back up Dalat but on a back road we will stop to visit a traditional silk factory, where you can observe how silk is harvested from cocoons and have the opportunity to buy authentic silk products. We will also visit a cricket farm where you can develop a taste for the crunchy insects and also see a bamboo knitting demonstration.

Day 4: Dalat departure

Breakfast at hotel, free for shopping until tour guide and driver transfer you to the airport for your departure flight. Say goodbye Vietnam.

Tour Includes:

  • All meals, as indicated in program (B – breakfast, L – lunch, D – dinner).
  • Private transportation to places, as indicated in program.
  • All entry fees, at places mentioned in itinerary.
  • Tour guide at places (Language upon inquiry).
  • All Boat cruises.

Tour excludes:

  • Other meals and drinks/ personal expenses.
  • Accommodation 
  • International air fares/ airport taxes.
  • Visas application fees to Vietnam.
  • Tips and private services.

Information about travel insurance

The contacts with us


Da Nang & Hoi An

Duration: 4 days 3 nights
Package price: 0

Consulting: +84 934753773

Price & departure schedule
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